Wednesday, September 26, 2007

DAY: Five (Again!)

TIME: 4:39

Yep, I did it... again! It hurt but my time was better. Go figure.

Tomorrow is another day. But I only have to do it once. Yey!

Until tomorrow.


DAY: Five

TIME: 4:47

Yesterday was our interim meeting in Boston so I didn’t get a chance to run. You would think the day off might have helped today’s time but, alas, check it out… it didn’t. 4:47. :09 seconds slower than Day Four.

Now, to my defense, I tried a new strategy today. I decided to start slower and see if I could maintain my pace for longer before slowing down to a virtual walk (which is inevitable at some point).

Obviously, that didn’t work from a time perspective, but was a worthwhile experiment nonetheless.

The bad news for me is, since I missed yesterday I’m going to have to run twice today. I’m splitting the runs up so that I don’t do 40 flights but, still, two runs up 20 flights of stairs in one day will be a killer.

We’ll have to see what my time is.

“Isn’t this fun?” he said with more than a hint of sarcasm.
