Friday, October 5, 2007

DAY: Twelve

TIME: 4:13

Yes, you read that right… 4 minutes and 13 seconds. 2 seconds below my goal of 4:15.

I have lived the brand. I have achieved better. I have done what I set out to do. And now, incredibly enough, I want to get even better.

So the runs will continue. I will strive for more. Better. I will run the Empire State Building.

Stay tuned. And thanks for watching.

See you Monday.


Thursday, October 4, 2007

DAY: Eleven

TIME: 4:19

Oh so close. My goal is to run the 20 flights in 4:15. So today I was only 4 seconds away.

I have to admit, for some reason it felt a tad easier. Of course, I use the word “easy” with great trepidation, because the whole thing is far from easy. And I'd hate to mislead you into thinking this is a piece of cake. It 'aint. But I felt relatively good today. Sure it was difficult, it always is, but I was able to control the pain better than I have before.

Maybe, just maybe, I’m getting better.


Let’s wait and see how tomorrow goes.


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

DAY: Ten

TIME: 4:27

Well, another difficult day with a pretty good time. All the usual blah blah blah about my legs catching fire and my lungs feeling like they’re sucking air in through a pinched straw. But I can’t complain. Well, I can, actually, but I’ve done enough of that on previous days.

I still have a long way to go to get to 4:15… and very little time left. But I’m trying. I think I could use some kind of coach about now to help me break through to the time I want.

See you tomorrow.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

DAY: Nine

TIME: 4:24

My best time yet. But man oh man, did I feel it.

I started faster today to see if that would change my outcome. And it obviously did. I always check my split at the 10th floor and I was a full 16 seconds ahead of my usual. And instead of slowing, I turned it up a little to see if I could greatly effect my final time.

But by the time I reached 14 I was in trouble. I felt like I’d drained my tank. My legs where Jello pillars and my lungs were five sizes too small for the amount of oxygen they craved. I was in pain. And I slowed down… a lot.

But I didn’t stop. And I reached the 20th floor in less time then ever.

Will I try that strategy again? I honestly don’t know. But maybe. If I want to get down to 4:15 I’m going to need to push myself even harder.

Will I do it?

Let’s see.


Monday, October 1, 2007

DAY: Eight

TIME: 4:35

I had a running partner today. Lindsay Kopec. An account person here. That’s the good news. The bad news, however, is that she ran it faster than I did. By probably a good 5 seconds. Who knows, maybe more because she definitely slowed down at one point to wait for me.

Oh well, I can’t feel bad about it. Some more training and running up those 20 flights of stairs and hopefully next time I’ll do better.

I have to admit, though, it was good having someone to do it with. Makes the boredom of flight after flight after flight after flight, a tad more bearable. But only a tad.

See you tomorrow.


Friday, September 28, 2007

DAY: Seven

TIME: 4:36

Today was good. Hard, but good. It really doesn’t get any easier. Then again, it is still 20 flights of stairs and it has only been 7 days, so I can’t expect much. My legs still burn like I’ve ignited a flame thrower inside of them. My lungs still crave oxygen with the intensity of a ravenous animal. And I’m still in need of a good shower afterwards (luckily, yes, we have one in the office).

So, sure, the stopwatch is putting out a bit less effort… but I’m certainly not.

Until next week.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

DAY: Six

TIME: 4:33

Whew! It was hotter than usual but I still had a good pace. My best time yet as a matter of fact. I think my new strategy of starting at the lower floors by taking two steps at a time is a good thing. It allows me to slow down a tad, but still keep a relatively quick pace.

I tried the skipping steps earlier and thought it was an awful idea, but recently, it’s working. I think I’ll keep doing it.

Of course, I can’t do it all the way up because it can get pretty strenuous on the thighs, but I seem to be good with it for the first 5 or 6 floors, and then using it sporadically on other floors on the way up.

I’ll try it again tomorrow and see how I do.

I was thinking earlier that I wanted to break 4:30 by the time of the pitch, but I’m going to revise that and try for 4:15. A big jump in time, I know, but it gives me something to shoot for. I may regret it, but I gotta try.

Wish me luck.
