Tuesday, October 2, 2007

DAY: Nine

TIME: 4:24

My best time yet. But man oh man, did I feel it.

I started faster today to see if that would change my outcome. And it obviously did. I always check my split at the 10th floor and I was a full 16 seconds ahead of my usual. And instead of slowing, I turned it up a little to see if I could greatly effect my final time.

But by the time I reached 14 I was in trouble. I felt like I’d drained my tank. My legs where Jello pillars and my lungs were five sizes too small for the amount of oxygen they craved. I was in pain. And I slowed down… a lot.

But I didn’t stop. And I reached the 20th floor in less time then ever.

Will I try that strategy again? I honestly don’t know. But maybe. If I want to get down to 4:15 I’m going to need to push myself even harder.

Will I do it?

Let’s see.


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